Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm Movin on UP

Hollywood with his Second Grade Teacher

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Hollywood is being moved up to the next level of reading. I broke down and asked. I feel guilty, like I'm bothering Anne with these things. I mean if she has something to tell me, she would send a note home or email me right. But when I asked she said that she needed to talk to me about that anyway. Mrs. K thought he should move up to Mrs. O's literature group because his reading was very good. I am excited and nervous. Hollywood likes nice short sweet answers. Not always what the teacher had in mind. I hope this move motivates him. He starts over there next Tuesday. He is having some trouble with time management though. He is not so excited about math so he takes his time... lots of time... sometimes way too much time. So that is also something we need to work on. I'm just not sure how to keep him motivated while he's at school. I will be working in the classroom on Monday afternoons, so that might help. I will be able to see what he is and isn't getting done because that is when they have extra time to finish anything from earlier that they may not have been able to accomplish. We will see. I really like Anne and I think she is the perfect teacher for my Hollywood, strict and loving all at the same time.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ride Like the Wind

Hollywood learned to ride his bike without training wheels today. Although I felt like he could do it for a while... he was pretty aprehensive. Today we just said..."Listen, we are taking the extra wheels off and going to the park to learn to ride." He replied, "OK"
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(sorry its blurry... it was dark and the kid was moving pretty fast by this point)

With very little practice and lots of guidance from his dad he was off and flying, making trips around the trail at the park. I am so proud of him. Of course Blondy thinks that its his turn. I think I'll let Hollywood have the glory for a while then work on the little guy. Gma K and Gpa D came out to see him ride. It was a great night! We are so lucky to live where we do, so close to the grandparents and aunts and uncles, for many other reasons than the free babysitting of course.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My very cool Hollywood on his first Day of Second Grade.

Yes, This is definitely a typical facial expression. When the camera comes out so does the clown in him. He does have beautiful brown eyes though doesn't he....

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sleep Over

Hollywood had his first sleepover (you know without Mom and Dad ) at a friends house *Just Because* last night and I am under the assumption that he got to sleep WAY TOO LATE since he took a nap today for the first time in months. My Little boy is growing up so fast...

Friday, August 3, 2007

7 Things I love about Hollywood

1. He is so smart... he loves to learn new things and is driving to find answers to the unknown. First Grade show and tell he told about ... The Bermuda Triangle. That's my boy.

2. He has never been a huge cuddle bug but sometimes when he's tired he just curls up and leans on me lets me hold him. I so treasure these moments.

3. He loves to read and be read to. We are starting the Harry Potter series and he is so enthralled. He can't wait for me to change the page or the next thing to happen.

4. He loves video games. If you know Hollywood you know I must PRY him away from his games. He's really good at them and is learning that just because you can't pass a level yet you keep trying and you'll make it. It's kinda like everything in life but it doesn't hurt or bleed as much when your character falls and you have to try again.

5. He guards his words but gives out love and truths about you when you least expect it... like last night.

6. He dreams and imagines BIG all the time. He loves to not just be in first but to WIN with a vengeance. He is very competitive.

7. I see so much seriousness and frustration just under the surface and I feel for you but you are figuring things out yourself and finding answers along the way. You are my independent one and though I miss the hugs and kisses I treasure the big boy you are growing into.

So Sweet 7

My Hollywood is not as affectionate as I wish he was. When I come after him for love he runs and hides. I understand this but it still makes me sad. So when last night as I was putting him to bed he asks, "Mom, could you do Snug as a Rug?" I sweetly kissed him on the forhead and said "I love you" before tucking him in good and tight. I was walking out of the room as he rolls over and says quietly, "I love you, too." and closes his eyes. It was a good day.